Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Break First

Good morning!
This is my first time to shared my daily menu. After long time tried to make a simple menu from my mother. And this morning I tried to create a new simple breakfast. It's a fried corn, scrambled eggs, and a glass of milk with strawberry. Protein from eggs, vitamin from strawberries, calcium from milk, and carbohydrate from corn. Oh, I think this is a perfect breakfast today.
Okay, let see the result!

4 komentar:

  1. Fotonya bagus2 rapiiiii ! Rajin2 update blognya lagi dong Ris. Diem2 aku stalking hahaha xD

    1. Aduh jadi malu di stalking sama senior :D tengkyu yon, kalau ada niat pasti aku update kok :D hahaha

  2. strawberrynya seger... :D mau dong :p
